«Avengers: Endgame» and spoilers culture

Even Thanos did not click this way



Iron man died. Captain America aged. Black Widow gave her life to get one of the Infinity Stones. Thanos was killed by Thor. Then Thanos was killed by Ironman. Also, the protagonists travel in time through MCU movies.

These are the most horrible spoilers for any franchise fan. However, over time, these spoilers will not matter just for one reason: the movie will demand another viewing from those, who really want to enjoy the attractions Marvel can provide. A week before the world premiere there was some leaked video on Internet that godlessly spoiled the first viewing with its distorted image. However, it also spoiled consistent impression mostly because of the serious spoilers. For example, for some reason this movie has Thor with long patches and a big stomach drinking beer all along, and Black Panther returns to life in the best traditions of the picturesque portraits of the Renaissance. These spoilers cause even more concern since it is unclear why this is happening and the main question – how did we get so far with characters? In fact, «Endgame» cause more anxiety due the facts of time travel or death of some protagonists. Are these really important spoilers?

Answering this question is as difficult as knocking out the cliff of misunderstandings between adherents of classic narrative and fans of film aesthetics. Probably the correct decision will be not to spoil anything by distributing plot twists all across Internet, if the directors asked about it specifically beforehand. That was the case on the premiere of «Bladerunner 2049», «Star Wars» and in fact «Infinity war». The director asking about such abstation sounds more encouraging for audience to watch his\her film and it makes any plot twists to look really unexpected or even shocking at the first viewing.  Such requests also work in the case of the franchise about Avengers, which rather turned into a large-scale series than a full-fledged movie (the difference between them is fully illustrated by David Fincher’s saying that a movie is about a story, and a TV-Show is about characters). Understanding this fact is especially captured in «Endgame», which sets everything in its places and is not only saying goodbye to a decade of financial success. It’s also a farewell to a legacy of more than twenty films. This farewell is quite natural considering desire of some actors to retire. The movie is also worth its culmination of all events associated with Infinity Stones. The Russo brothers lay a theme on this story that clearly reflects the farewell to the era of superhero cinema as we knew it. This is a spoiler, but it’s about trying to change the inevitable and bring back the lives of dead superheroes.

Unlike any other franchise the hype around new «Avengers» movie will be held for about a week, given the massive sold out in the cinemas around the world. However, the excitement of producers and directors is likely to be justified by the excellent behavior of their fans, as it once happened with a release of «Star Wars VII». At that time during a week after premiere, everybody on Internet seriously avoided spoilers about Solo’s death. Although when we talk about the Internet, of course, we narrow the scope of conversation to our own experience of collision with spoilers. In such circumstances everyone finds a comfortable position for themselves: does not turn on computer, does not visit social networks or uses the mute button. This pursuit of the first impression reaches sometimes amazing proportions of absolute desocialisation. But the second viewing lowers the value of spoilers and can partly change the impression of any movie. Everything is known in its perspective.

«Endgame» is just a non-stop locomotive. Although in action sequences it seems slower than the «Infinity war», the plot colligates a good culmination. The smell of bitterness is quickly interrupted by an understanding of completeness, which was carefully put in the title. Yes, this is not the end of the whole franchise, but this is a double emphasis, which is very much-needed for gigantic projects. The satisfaction of demand has taken place, we must move on. But at the same time, it is necessary to cultivate the ethics of spoilers, building rules for reading texts about cinema. With separation important from minor the movie often requires getting the ultimate first impression, and only Twitter, Facebook or your friends can affect it. We have strongly tried to save you from spoilers with dashes, warnings, fonts and colors at the beginning of this material. And this border is easy to overstep as you can see. It is worthwhile to believe and understand that cinema works not only at the narrative level, but also has many other advantages (DP work, acting, editing and production design), which are sometimes more important than any spoiler in the world.

Unlike any other franchise the hype around new «Avengers» movie will be held for about a week, given the massive sold out in the cinemas around the world. However, the excitement of producers and directors is likely to be justified by the excellent behavior of their fans, as it once happened with a release of «Star Wars VII». At that time during a week after premiere, everybody on Internet seriously avoided spoilers about Solo’s death. Although when we talk about the Internet, of course, we narrow the scope of conversation to our own experience of collision with spoilers. In such circumstances everyone finds a comfortable position for themselves: does not turn on computer, does not visit social networks or uses the mute button. This pursuit of the first impression reaches sometimes amazing proportions of absolute desocialisation. But the second viewing lowers the value of spoilers and can partly change the impression of any movie. Everything is known in its perspective.

«Endgame» is just a non-stop locomotive. Although in action sequences it seems slower than the «Infinity war», the plot colligates a good culmination. The smell of bitterness is quickly interrupted by an understanding of completeness, which was carefully put in the title. Yes, this is not the end of the whole franchise, but this is a double emphasis, which is very much-needed for gigantic projects. The satisfaction of demand has taken place, we must move on. But at the same time, it is necessary to cultivate the ethics of spoilers, building rules for reading texts about cinema. With separation important from minor the movie often requires getting the ultimate first impression, and only Twitter, Facebook or your friends can affect it. We have strongly tried to save you from spoilers with dashes, warnings, fonts and colors at the beginning of this material. And this border is easy to overstep as you can see. It is worthwhile to believe and understand that cinema works not only at the narrative level, but also has many other advantages (DP work, acting, editing and production design), which are sometimes more important than any spoiler in the world.

Avengers: Endgame
studio: MARVEL
director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
genre: comic book adaptation
starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson

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